Friday, May 16, 2008

Rain, rain go away. . . come again a DIFFERENT day!

I feel like I am never going to get the opportunity to plant all of my flowers! Every time I take the time to plan out my day to plant, it rains! I was supposed to plant some tonight, but it has rained on & off all day. Dear Hubby has to work this weekend, so it is going to be interesting seeing ME drive his truck and trailer to the local "Yardworks" to get mulch & compost. At least we will have it for when we DO get to plant this stuff.

I broke down & got a tiller last weekend, so that should at least help with breaking up the soil where I want to plant my dwarf day lillies. They are bright red and I am planting them along the sidewalk. I also have several bulbs that I am going to plant when I finally decide where I want them. LOL.

I have also decided that I definitely HAVE to get some Peonies. A lady I know growss them and gave a huge bouquet of them to a friend of ours. They were beautiful and they smelled soooooo nice! She said that they are some of the easiest things to grow in the FULL sun. . . and believe me, I've got plenty of that! THREE WIDE OPEN ACRES!

Dear Hubby planted a small orchard last fall and we actually have fruit this year! The trees are only about 5'-6', but the fruit is beautiful! The little birds that are on our front door seem to like the trees, too. This is our 2nd round of baby birds and they are so tiny. I didn't realize how small they could be. I mean, the eggs are smaller than a jelly bean! And when the babies hatch, they are so itty bitty. I love it, though, because my son has been able to see the babies grow and fly away. It has given him an appreciation for animal life. He was not very happy when he saw a dead bluejay in our front yard, nor when he found a broken egg in the grass. I was glad to see that he was sensitive to that, but that he understood that it was part of life.

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