Monday, April 30, 2007

What are you cleaning your home with?

The increase in number of people with allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia, joint pain, headaches, cancer, and various other illnessess seems to have increased significantly, over the last several years. In my researching of various organizations and researchers, I have found that many believe that the cause is from every day household checmicals. NO SURPRISE TO ME! I've been saying that all along!

Now most of you know that I am an AVID fan of Melaleuca. So much so, that I became an Independant Marketing Executive and encourage people to at least TRY their products... Melaleuca has a 95% re-order rate...WHAT DOES THAT SAY?!?

My son and hubby battled asthma and allergies for quite some time, as did I. I started connverting things in my home slowly over to "greener" products BEFORE I found out that Melaleuca had a WHOLE line of "EcoSense" products that were safe for the home AND the environment.

My mom first introduced me to Melaleuca 22 years ago, shortly after they came onto the market. I loved their shampoo and some of their cleaning supplies. But when I moved out on my own, and to another state, I "forgot" about Melaleuca. Then, last year I was researching ways to work from home and came across Melaleuca. I figured I would at least check it out since I already knew how much I loved their products form prior experience. AND they have a 3 month money back guarantee. SO, I converted ALL of my house cleaning, personal hygiene, and nutritional supplements over to Melaleuca.

Within a week, my husband was convinced that their was not a better product out there! His work clothes had never gotten so clean. AND the "scent" that was "natural" in the laundry detergent did not irritate his asthma AT ALL! He is a Welding Foreman, so he comes home quite dirty! As for the cleaning supplies that I use for the rest of the house, he used to go into an asthma attack every time he would come home on a day that I had done ANY kind of cleaning...well, NOW he does a lot of the cleaning himself, because HE CAN. Since the Melaleuca products are safer and non-toxic, they do not irritate his lungs and throat the way other "name brand" cleaners did. He even LOVES their shampoo and conditioner.

Now, you may be what, so he likes the stuff, big deal.. well, this is coming from a HUGE skeptic! ANd he will be the first to tell you that.

My brief testimony on their supplements: I was on high blood pressure meds for a BP of 196/110. After being on their Women's multi vitamin and their mineral supplement for 2 MONTHS, I no longer had to take my BP meds....... AND my BP is 120/70. The reason that I love their supplements so much, is not just becasue of that, but because I KNOW that they are absorbed! Most over the counter supplements that you buy in the stores are not as high quality as theirs are and therefore DO NOT get absorbed into your body by more that 10% or 20%. Whereas with Melaleuca's vitamins & minerals, they are absorbed closer to 80% to 90% due to their patented fruit compounding.

I have gone to seminars and spoke about the importance of KNOWING what you are using in your home. I have given samples out to people to try them so that they could see that the products are of a higher quality. And I have continued to be an online voice.

My mission in life:

My personal vision and mission is to share information and educate others on the danger of the toxic chemicals found in their home and how they can make simple changes that can have a huge impact on their health, their lives and the environment.

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