Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Saw God Today!

I awoke to a cold and rainy day today, wishing it was still Saturday. However, I should have known that God had something great planned!

Our church has been trying to get as many coats as possible for the Christmas Mother in Amelia, Virginia. This year is a really tough one for so many individuals and as cold as it gets, everyone needs a coat. We have been able to get a few, but people forget or don't really think that they have anything to give.

Today was different.

As most of you know, I am part of the worship team at my church and love to sing praise songs to the Lord. Today our pastor spoke on sacrificial giving. How giving sacrificially is so much more rewarding than giving out of abundance. Thankfully, this is something that my husband and I learned early in our relationship with God. There were times when we tithed & we had no idea how we would pay our house payment or car payment, yet God always provided for us because we had obeyed his direction to give sacrificially. (This is a whole other story for another day)

Well, at the end of the service, our pastor challenged everyone in the service to give sacrificially. . . he challenged everyone to give the coat off of their backs. Before John and I could leave the stage to give the coats that we had, people had already started bringing up their coats!!! Now, these were not just "extra" coats that people had brought in, because the extra coats were dropped in the bin outside of the auditorium before people came in to the service. So, all of the coats that people brought up were literally the ones off of their backs! WOW! What an outpouring of love and giving!

I don't think that the day could have been any better than this!

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